Saturday, January 30, 2010
I can't go svc today.. AGAIN T.T I really wanna go.. but my parents keep on dun allow.. I can't believe this has to be like this for SIX MONTHS. Now 5, since feb is coming soon.. but still.. AHH God!! Really help me to have the faith the strength to carry on! I will trust in you.. Until the day I can finally rejoice and come back to svc ;D I will pull thru this persecution & serve you everyday! xD not to mention seek & love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength xD
Anyways, checked out the LG Chocolate BL40 phone today!! SUUUUUPER nice xD I dun wan an iphone.. simply becoz too many ppl have it. I dun like to have something which so many others have.. I dun really like IN stuff haha. and many ppl dun have the Chocolate Bl40 so I WAN IT xD haha.. tho i like clothes that are in hehe.. ^^"
Blaaah! the temptation T.T Why do i keep turning to the tv when i still have homeowrk on my hands.. I really gotta discipline myself.. otherwise I can nvr be a good salt and light.. JIAYOU SARAH!! Gotta change jasmine's mindset about me having seriously low concentration too xD
Something to share today too :D I feel really bad... As in, I think this was a test by God. Just now i went out to have dinner with my family, and at first I decided I would eat green tea rice (my fave! it's not yucky seriously. But it's vegetarian yes ;D super healthy.)... but in the end I decided on eating cheese cutlet (western food). while i was eatig i kept thinking.. that my influence level is VERY VERY HIGH. I really hate mysself for this.. otherwise how can i really stand up for God? Coz I get so influenced.. so tempted by the UNHEALTHY food tht I would choose it over something healthy but is nice too.. is like choosing luxury over God. You might think choosing food is just something minor but this really struck me hard so.. I will pray hard for my stand in God to be strong, that i won't get influenced by luxuries so much too ;D Amen.
Multi-tasking now... Doing homework/blogging ^^ gonna add morestuff to this blog! Gonna make it lively again ;D might post some of my LG photos too xD it's linking ppl time! xD Ciao~
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