Onigiri oishii! :3

Friday, April 17, 2009

YO!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha. Long time no blogs! And i'm finally here to blog again. Hmm.. these few weeks I really learned alot and have to share ALOT. So... I'll start from the beginning! LOL. Hmm.. ok. Last last week after sat service david hoe told us the restructuring plan at CHAPTER NEUTRAL!! My cg will be under Joshua and our new UL is weikeat... So meaning me and huanwen will be separating from the cchy girls T.T it was really sad, but I didn't cry. I will miss them, yup but strangely I didn't feel like crying ^^" anyway we had lots of farewells the past weeks and it was great, having last moments together. And during Chapter Neutral David Hoe told us something super important: COMMITMENT. There is no neutrality in the kingdom of God, which is super true. Either euu serve God to the fullest or don't serve Him at all. That's why it was called Chapter Neutral ahas ^^ yup then we watched back vids of our memories.. really nice and heartwarming. Here is the pic of the paper david hoe gave us to remind ourselves of commitment:

super cool rite!! XD and yuwen also told me about commitment on our 2nd last shepherding. She asked me what am I doing for God, and are we really doing our best for God? Actually not really... and we just kept silent for a long time, thinking. But it really struck me yep. And then we had nlss cg farewell at aston's one time on good friday just before easter XD it was fun yep. hahas, the cchy cg gave affirmation to me, nicholas and bernard, I thank ya guys for that. HEARTWARMING~ :'D but zhishen is so gonna get killed coz he prayed for it to rain coz the weather then was super hot, but after that it started raining nekos and inus -.- haha. Then one thursday we had our 2nd last NLSS CG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xinru told us about this super touching song for worship, and the meaning of the words stuck DEEP. Here are the lyrics:

Shepherd of my Soul
Shepherd of my soul I give you full control,
Wherever You may lead I will foll-ow.
I have made the choice to listen for Your vo-vo-ice,
Wherever You may lead I will go.

Be it in a quiet pasture or by a gentle stream,
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
Should I face a mighty mountain or a valley dark and deep,
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide.

Shepherd of my soul Oh You have made me whole,
Where’er I hear You call how my tea-ars flow.
How I feel your love how I want to se-rve
I gladly give my heart to You O – Lord.

Be it in the flowing river or in the quiet night,
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
Should I face the stormy weather or the dangers of this world.
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide.

This song rocks man. It means that God will forever guide us, and when we have troubles he will pull us thru them;D then before that we played games and bernard had to do forfeit! Hahaha! His forfeit was letting us use xinru's marker pens to draw his whole face. Mitte mitte! HaXD

Haha! Lols. And on the sat before easter they had district cg but i couldn't go, sad T.T anyways, the fun came on easter! It was our last svc together as north b, and we took a pic together, tho without the clown they actually wanted to take with. Ha. Coz brandon and yuwen had balloonphobia. Lols! Yup and during easter service there was a touching film made by Hope Church Singapore, and it was about a couple. The father left home for 4 years and finally came back one day becoz of the LORD. He found the way home, thanks to God ;'D the story IS a true story, and many people cried as they were super touched by the story. Easter service was held at suntec convention hall, so it was super crowded. haha. and here was the pic we took as north b (xinru had to go bai bai so she couldn't make it for svc D:)

this is a really nice pic we took together. haha.. I also put it on facebook. Yup. and then on wed we had combined cg! Our super duper last cg we had together. It was fun, we played 2 games and watched the passion of the christ! A really sad movie but in the midst of it I had to go home so I couldn't finish the whole thing with the others :'( but I watched it before so it's ok. but yea the movie was really sad.. Jesus suffered so much and died JUST FOR US. JUST FOR US. And while we were still sinners. He did so much, is all for us :'( He reall very wei da... Yup then during the games bernard and nigel had to do forfeit, shi lian pai^^ haha so act cute! lol. then jianhao created some crazy forfeit, whoever got the ace cards in his deck had to do forfeit -.- then me, jiajun and nicholas got it. hooray. then after that jianhao with his super weird ideas came up with a forfeit almost immediately. Jiajun and nicholas must entertain me and propose to me and see who I choose to marry. =.= haiz. then i have to put some weird pom pom thing over the person's head. Then nicholas gave me lots of stuff from nigel's room, like toy machine guns too and he said, "Use these to kill jiajun!" And I was diao-ing away! Then jiajun said,"Aiya I know I will still win anyway~" super H class feel ^^" then afterwards I just threw the pom pom thing and see who caught it. at first jiajun then i tink nicholas snatched it away. HAHA! Then I was lol and then we went to watch the movie:D haha. And I also played with nigel's dog, so cute XD haha with big eyes. then TODAY I had my super final shepherding with yuwen!!!! We went to subway, then SSC, then starbucks, drank coffee, then chatted a long time. Haha yuwen said she would be my spiritual buddy afterwards, so we will still hang out lots next time even if shes not gonna be my shepherd le!! Haha :D then we went to daiso, walked around, took pictures. here are some:

Haha! Wearing party hats in Daiso.

In starbucks~ :3
then afterwards i went home;D lol. tmr we're gonna go to different units, but i will still remember my brothers and sisters in cchy:D anyways we're always gonna see each other de mah! Haha. Then next time me mandy and yuwen gonna catch a movie too ahaha ^^ OH YA BTW I WATCHED FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD EP 1 & 2 and they were super cool!!! Go watch it! XD haha.

Yup, that's all I guess. Hahaha ^^ I sure crammed alot of stuff together.
Finally, I LOVE NEKOS~ ^^

8:53 AM


Friday, April 3, 2009

TIME TO BLOG AGAIN!! ^^ hahas. Today is a very sian day... I felt very tired throughout. Hahas. I gave xinting her bdae prez 2 days earlier than the actual day (5 April)! XD Hope she likes it~ :3 sry I can't share to euu guys what I learnt like super long time ago coz my phone is confiscated... But once I get it back I'll share to you guys haha XD and I'm going to MALAYSIA TOMORROW!! You won't be seeing me on saturday and sunday hahs. Maybe saturday for service but after that I will 飞走! ^^" anyways I had shepherding today, and yuwen gave me the teaching "Happy Families". Yup it really applies to me ahaha ^^" I learned that I should obey my parents, and not everything argue with them. I was wrong to disobey them, it was what made them angry in the first place and not wanting me to go for service tmr... And I should appreciate whatever they have done for me. Though they're love is not as great as God's love for me they still love me to their best so yep. Must obey them. So now it's obey God first, family second, frens and others third and ME LAST. Haha :3 So tonite gonna bargain with my mum and dad! But obviously gonna say sorry first:D must pluck up courage and confidence from God~!! Haha. I must also stand in their shoes/perspective and accept them.. otherwise I will keep arguing with them. I should think about how much they have done for me instead of what are they always doing wrongly... Yup that's what I learned today hahas :D GOD WILL BE WITH ME! Lol random ^^" Oh and here's a song which suddenly struck me HARD thru my troubles:


Verse 1
Hide me now,
Under Your wings
Cover me,
With in Your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God

Verse 2
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust
Super nice and touching song:'D

Anyways I read D.Gray-Man latest chapter of the manga. OMG it's like so cool lor!!! Go read bahs!! Hahaha :D

3:34 AM


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Im here to blog again!! Hahaha lols. Ok, will upload many pics of my North B family soon enough ;D haha.

Last nite I really cried. I cried and cried and cried. Silly hor. I wanted to go to service. And this sat was really important coz of the announcement of restructuring and david hoe's last challenge to us [Chapter Neutral]. Then yup I argued with my parents and they were like super against it coz they wanna go to msia pian pian on that saturday coz my mum wanna get something from my ama, she promised. Yuup buut this service was important too! Anyways afterwards I cried alot. But after I did quiet time I was refreshed. God told me this: He will never give me a problem I cannot bear. After all, the purpose of these problems are for me to grow! And that I must really have faith in Him and I cannot let something so small waver my faith in Him. Yup;D And last time yuwen gave me shepherding she also told me about Paul and that persecution made him more firm in God. Hahaha wow he so qiang!! Lols xD Yup then today there was COMBINED CG!!! At xinru's hse downstairs haha:D xinru asked us to draw and do our best even if we draw ugly. She said at first when we start drawing it may look really ugly, but after we finish it and put in our best we will realise it's not bad after all! Yup xinru wanna teach us that it's the same with outreachiong and that we should do our best to outreach and sow, coz we will never know that we can bring ppl to service to know God if we don't put in our best, haha. Love xinru XD lols. OK HERE's the North B photo we took at Suntec quite a while ago!! Hahas :D

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: 3rd row - Ace, ME!! XD, Anqi, Kejing, Xinru and Sherry~
2nd row - Nicholas, Jiajun, Nigel, Zhishen and Bernard~
1st row - Herron, Junkai, Brandon and Jianhao~

7:46 AM


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ahhh hahahahas:D im going to have to squeeze in alot of stuff I have learnt over the past 2 weeks coz I haven't been blogging long ^^" ok.

Last Thursday -- NORTHLAND CG!!! Hahas. Nick had to do forfeit for losing a game we played :P and it was quite stupid actually. He had to make a drama with 4 soft toys from xinru's beautiful soft toy collection ^^" and jianhao was the narrator. Meaning that basically Nick didn't have to do much. -.- here's the story:
4 animals were happily playing together. Then two fought. One died. Then the rest fought. All died. Then someone cleaned it all up. That was bernard. Hahahaha! Lol ok its not funny^^" I'll show euu guys the vid when I have time! :D And xinru also gave us a super good teaching called "Fighting With Spiritual Warfare". I learned that we must not be negative when doing confirmation and inviting people to service, but we must be positive, have confidence in God, believe that He can do it!! Believe that He will bring many people down for service and that people will come to know Him. Otherwise if we don't there will NEVER be a harvest. Yup;D

Yesterday -- Xinru told us about this verse she read while doing quiet time: Malachi 1:6. "A son honours his father, as a servant his master. If I am a father, where is the honour due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?" says the LORD Almighty. I tink this verse is really true. What are we doing for God? Are we doing our best to sow, to outreach for Him? To let more people know Him? Yup we should do our best to serve Him, coz He is our master, our father. We owe God respect and honour, we should give it back to Him. And glorify Him in our studies too, and also coming for prayermeets etc. to meet Him;D this is what xinru said, and i will keep it in my heart. I also remembered a funny verse ming yee told me during mm XD haha. She said God scolded her, it was a lame joke but the whole mm room was filled with laughter hahas. Isaiah 47:8 it says, "Listen, you wanton creature, ......" HAHAHA!!! Lols. WANTON MEE!!! XD haha. But actually wanton means something else in english lol. ok that's random. ^^"

Last time de prayer meet (I don't remember how long ago but it's during the sch hols, North BD pm) -- I learnt that even if we have been doing so many things for God these few weeks like asking people for ess we should not forget our personal relationship with God, coz that's the most important and what God cares about the most coz otherwise what are we Christians for amen? So yea let's just take some time 2 seek God everyday like mentioned in the pm hahas :3

TODAY -- Got fooled by shimin and shimin only:D yay! Fooled sherry once, mandy once. ahahaha lols. Aixin screamed all the way thru class coz people kept pranking her with a rubber lizard and spider:'( aixin don't be sad! Anyways, I also argued with my parents about going to service coz my mum wanted to go to msia to get something from my ama, but I really WANTED to go to service coz of the super life-transforming mini service chapter neutral.. Yup hahas. My shepherd encouraged me alot and I'm gonna stand firm in God and not waver in the faith I have in Him just becoz of this tiny setback haha. I WILL go for service this sat, I will have confidence in God!!! ^^ And during this period when I was really down I went to facebook and weiting sent me this gift app on God's Word, she sent me Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust the LORD with all your heart." Haha, God's will, God's will. AND I"M GONNA DO JUST THAT, I WILL TRUST IN THE LORD FOR HE ALWAYS HAS A WAY;D Love you God. Hahas;P

7:32 AM


My blog might be dead from time to time but it's normal ^^"
Love God, love others~

저.私.我.Me. ^^

Me ねこみみ Sarah 주서림 xD
Currently 14 && a child of God~ ;D
Currently learning 4 languages,
specifically English, Chinese
Korean && Japanese ^^
From Chongfu Primary CCHY, Y-Hope North A && Youth Hope Media - MM!!
Plus SHINee && f(x) && anime xD
&& cats (ねこ) and chocolate :3
Somehow I guess they're related..


March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 January 2010 February 2010 July 2010 August 2010




Ms Ambiga
Nekomimi Jasmine
Teck Shuean
Pastor Jeff
Pastor Shirley
Zachary Young
Bernice Chan
Brandon Gui
David Hoe


Arigato kituchi
for the layout! x3